Kelsy Morganwalp | Profiles

Kelsy Morganwalp

Teaches: Ski - Alpine
Home Mountain: Wildcat Mountain, Jackson, NH
Gender: Female
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 11.2
Years at Wildcat Mountain: 11.2
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 11.2
Years at Wildcat Mountain: 11.2


I LOVE teaching skiing! Especially to kids. My favorite part is a child's first time coming down their first real run, aside from the snowbelt or learning hill. Seeing them smile and having them recognize that skiing is really fun is the best part! I can be goofy and I love to make kids laugh while teaching skiing. 



I LOVE teaching skiing! Especially to kids. My favorite part is a child's first time coming down their first real run, aside from the snowbelt or learning hill. Seeing them smile and having them recognize that skiing is really fun is the best part! I can be goofy and I love to make kids laugh while teaching skiing. 
